A Note from English Answerman:

Congratulations on cracking the hundred mark. Keep it up!
--English Answerman

Friday, November 19, 2010

Call of Duty: Black Ops: My Review

Black Ops definitely took out everything wrong with Modern Warfare 2 but I feel they took out a bit too much. There aren't too many weapons and they are mostly boring weapons so you don't get to be much different from other people's classes. So many less pistols and other guns and they don't look to great either. Also, claymores became way too concealable. You can NEVER see them. And now the sniper is horrible and the maps aren't very sniper friendly with most beig medium sized or have too much stuff in it blocking long range kills. However, some good things are the new customization. You can create your own emblem, put it on your gun, and put your clan tag on your gun. You can also have facepaint and many more gun camoflauges. But some more on the online gameplay is the horrible hit detection. Overall, I would give it an 8.5/10. If the campaign wasn't as good as it was than it would have been a lower score.


  1. i wouldn't know,(because i don't have the game) but i hear black ops is extremely 100% FLAWLESS. I disagree a tiny bit. But i think it's so cool that you actually blog about games I'll look into reading your blog more

    P.S. customization not custimization learn it friend :D

  2. JR, Thank you for the correction of the word. I know how to spell it, I just didn't see that I had mispelled it that time. I'll change it now.
