A Note from English Answerman:

Congratulations on cracking the hundred mark. Keep it up!
--English Answerman

Monday, May 30, 2011

Thinking about college?

It's the end of the year, and college is right around the corner, right? Okay, maybe it's a long four-year corner, but you've got to start thinking about how you're going to pay for it sooner or later. Might as well be sooner.

Check out my article on Pell Grants  called "Your Pal the Pell Grant" at collegepiggybank.org to start learning about the Pell Grant! Read it, and you'd better like it, too. Seriously: Click the Facebook "Like" button at the top of the article.

I got a Pell Grant to help me through my teaching credential--it's a sweet deal to start off your financial aid. If you thought you had to start off your college career crazy in debt, think again.

"Stand" by Rascal Flatts

The band Rascal Flatts can really make a wide range of songs. This song in particular is one of my favorite.  Listen and enjoy! But mostly listen to the lyrics.
-Mollie Rose  

"Hello World" by Lady Antebellum

This song by Lady Antebellum is really good and sad and the music video just makes me even more sad because if that happened to any of my nephews or my niece.... Anyways, Lady A is a good band in general and their music is really good. Enjoy! :)
-Mollie Rose

Friday, May 27, 2011

Lakers are out

I know this is kind of I late to speak of the lakers being SWEPT from the playoffs but I would just like to say that I saw it coming. First there was to much drama in the locker room to they were already flustered before the series and Kobe can't lead them to a championship every season. Second, I just don't like the lakers I am a Celtics fan, sure they got knocked out in the first round but they got farther than our beloved Kobe .

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

As many can see, the two teams I wanted to win the conference finals, the Bulls and the Thunder, are 3-1. Since the Heat and Mavs are most likely going to go to the finals, I want the Heat to go all the way between those two teams.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jessi Slaughter

WOW. Okay... i know that we discussed Jessi Slaughter Awhile ago in class, but I barely saw the videos now. She gets treated like the victim on GMA, when she makes comments about popping a glock in your mouth and making a brain slushy?! She is 12 years old and posting youtube videos with profanity! I know that i might be late on this but it just amazes me how her dad defends her and yells at a webcam for her! You'd think that she would at least get punished for what she said on youtube. I guess that they think that 'cyber-bullying' was punishment enough? She has gotten death threats, and hurtful comments because she was obviously saying some pretty bad things, and i'm not saying that this okay, but come on! This kind of reminds me of when we were talking about freedom of speech in class. Yeah, you get to say what you want, but if it's a threat, you'll have certain consequences. And if what you say is offensive then obviously things will be said TO you and ABOUT you.
Whew... okay I think I got Jessi Slaughter out of my system now.
Check out my review on My Delight CupCakery on yelp .com.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Feelings At The Meet And Greet Dance...

I can't believe I'm going to speak my mind about this...but the Meet and Greet dance was quite a day for me. I had felt like jello and light-headed. And I'll tell you why. Again...it's just weird for me to post about this but I should speak my mind more. This was the second dance I've been to in my ENTIRE life. And the first one in Upland. And a special someone happened to be there (you know who you are [9/16/97] :D). Some may know who this is. Some may not. Some may be able to guess. Well, being with her there, not knowing what I should do since I can't dance just made me feel like jello. I was just all light weighted and barely able to keep upright. It was all so strange. But she was having fun, dancing and what not. She's got some moves, ha-ha. But it was just quite some day for me. I didn't dance. But i tried to get pictures of her dancing, he-he. But they were blurry or she noticed. It was fun and weird all at the same time. Mostly the reason it was so weird is because I was thinking about making a move to hold her hand since I am dating her. But I hadn't done anything so I just felt weird after the dance thinking about it. Feelings, feelings, feelings. Why do feelings have to be confusing? I can't believe I am going to click publish...*hesitates* *clicks*


Woo-hoo! Juice It Up Karate Kids we have 224 (now 225) post! Yay! With a little less then 3 weeks left, lets keep up the good work and post like crazy! 
-Mollie  Rose

Old Wars

So when you think of old wars, most of the men are on horses right? When the men are shooting the only thing they are thinking about is killing the men. Do they ever think about those poor horses?! No one ever says how many horses die because the high males need to be on their high horses! They are killing innocent animals just so they can feel good abut themselves as 'high men!!' The poor horses had t get killed for a stupid reason. :(
If you want to hear who I think is the best player left in these playoffs go check out Indo vs. Irish. The player will not surprise you, but you can see the thoughts from me and Indo on these NBA playoffs. There are also posts about other sports including soccer and a little bit of baseball. what are you doing still reading this go to Indo vs Irish.

free style

Why are people so ignorant? I don't know it's just the way it is. people just make their own choice. What are you going to so about it? Nothing cause your scared? Well there is nothing to be scared about just get up and do something about the ignorant people. Only you can change how you act.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

[Prototype] Review

I'm doing a review of a great and entertaining video game I have bought. It is called [Prototype]. You play as Alex Mercer who basically had some experiment happen to him but I don't exactly remember what it's about. The stuff you can do in the game just draws my attention completely away from the storyline. So, you have these different powers that do different things. You have these claws that tear people to shreds and allows you to shoot spikes into the ground and travel to an area and shoot up, stabbing and slicing enemies. There is a hammerfist power which is basically two giant fists. The things you can do with it are too obvious to explain. Another power is I think, increased mass power. Basically, it is regular fighting attacks but more powerful. Powerful enough to make your enemies literally explode into chunks of blood and gore. Another power is one that you see in the picture above. I'm not sure what you can do with this but you can probably split people very easily and much more. Now, the abilities he has are very quick, elusive, and agile. You can run, jump, and glide around the city, killing people into bloody and gorey piles or exploding cars and tanks or helicopters and such. The style Alex maneuvers around the city with is very much related to that of parkour. Very, very, very, extreme parkour. I haven't even finished the game and I already love to play it whether I have every power or very few. After playing this game, I would rate it 9/10 stars. I absolutely love this game in a twisted way. This stuff just appeals to me. But only if it's fake like a game or movie.

Response to "Social Media Ruins Lives"

I think that the only way to keep your life from being ruined by the media is to stay under the radar, basically. You should always watch what you say.

Social Media

People are flat out ignorant these days. Some people are so stupid for not being able to tell the difference between right and wrong. I mean seriously you can't tell if its wrong if you are posting naked pictures on the internet for the whole world to see. All I'm saying is use common sense.

Social media

In my opinion social media is a big waste of time. I mean who really cares about what someone says on twitter unless your a high school drop out who sits on the computer all day. I have a facebook account but I don't sit there and weed out what people say and don't say. So if you really think that social media is that important cool, but I really think that these professional athletes shouldn't have to worry about what they say online

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Yelp rewiew

Go check out my yelp rewiew.
I personally think that people take stuff on Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace way too seriously. First of all, famous people and professional athletes should be able to live their own lives without everyone getting mad about it. People think that athletes should only practice and go to sleep. If people who are not well known can say anything they want to, why can't famous people? They don't get famous so they can just play the sport without talking to anyone.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Media Ruining Lives

To answer Mr. Vega's question, I don't really post much of my thoughts or things like that so I don't really have to worry about media ruining my life. But if you do post many things then you should think of the outcomes if you were to say something. And if someone says something you don't like and you are going to respond to it, don't get all aggravated and start talking any trash or anything mean. Just give a nice, civil response as to why you disagree or dislike something. It's all very simple since when you post something you can read it over before posting it to make you it won't offend or have bad outcomes.

Social Media

This post is in response to the English answer man's post about social media. To keep social media from running your life all you have to do is not use it. If you don't use it then it can't control your life. If you do need to use it then use it for the right reasons. Don't use it to talk about other people, unless it is nice. People before you have gone on without it, so can you. If you say you need to then you are addicted. That is all I have to say about this.

Media Attacks...is it possible to say under their radar?

So throughout the past decade, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. have made bullying and media-bullying a lot easier. Mr. Vega has asked us student bloggers answer a question. In my opinion staying  under the radar is a lot easier then celebrities and crazy people seem to make it out to be. All you have to do is simply watch what you say and do. Don't make comments on social networks; think before you post them. Don't make rude comments or use fowl language. Don't take racy photos of yourself. Practically two rules to follow even if you aren't a celebrity. 
1: Think before you act
2: Think before you speak.
SIMPLE! Why can't people just follow those?!?!?!?!?! Why can't people take responsibility for their actions and not blame it on the media. It is simple and easy. 
Gr! Humph, well that's all  have to say otherwise I'd become hypocritical and not follow my rules....
SEE! I just followed them yet basketball players twice my age can't?!
Mollie Rose

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Watch this clip from a really good movie!!!

So my friend(Michael Hicks) and I were taking about Beetlejuice [with Alec Baldwin and Michael Keaton] which got me to thinking of this scene. I advise all of you to either watch the clip I have provided or watch the movie. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Go to yelp.com and...

Hey readers of this post! Go here to see my review on thee best barber shop/salon in downtown upland! If you do decide to go check out Upland Barber Shop in downtown, then ask for Debbie! :D
Mollie Rose

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Free Internet Radio

Most of you probably know about the awesome site of pandora.com to listen to free music. But if you aren't paying for it, then you will run out of hours for listening and can't listen for the rest of the month. But there are more sights so you can alternate between the two sites listening to all your favorite music! The one I use when pandora runs out is on slacker.com. It's pretty much the same and just as good.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Playstation network outage

Right now I'd like to talk about the PlayStation network outage that recently occurred and has been happening for the past ten days! On April 26 someone " Hacked" the PlayStation data base and put everyone who currently owns a PlayStation 3's personal information online. Every single day they saythe same thing, " we are working day and night to find a solution" but there actually calling press meetings and doing interviews without fixing the real problem. I wouldn't have a problem with this if this hadn't occurred from one of the PlayStation network employees. So for all those people who play x box and are laughing at this post right now I commend you for doing that because Sony seriously messed up on this one.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Playoffs- Round 2

I could not believe what has been happening in the second round of the NBA playoffs. First of all, the Chicago Bulls should have never lost to the Atlanta Hawks (even though Atlanta has been doing pretty well in the playoffs). The Lakers lost to the Mavs because they didn't call Jason Kidd for holding onto Kobe. The Boston Celtics swept the Knicks sadly, but in the second round, they have lost to the Miami Heat when they played so well in the season against them. I would have never thought that the Oklahoma City Thunder would ever lose to the eighth seeded Grizzlies. This has been a lopsided second round of the playoffs, hopefully the Lakers will pull together, though.

New Blog

Hello me and The Jacoby have recently made a blog called Indo vs. Irish. We have just started it so there is only one post so far. Hope to see all your comments on our posts.
Why are people such Laker Haters? That is all I ask there is no reason for you to hate on the Laker's. If you have something against the Laker's then you need to keep your comments to your self because the Laker's are going to the championship.

Disney Nature's African Cats

On April 22nd, Earth Day, my mom, my friend (Emily), and I saw Disney Nature's African Cats. It is truly phenomenal! It is practically about life in the Sahara through a mother's eyes. In all honesty, it is (in a way) plenty of genres. You can have action, suspense, drama, tragedy, etc. Though, now if you see this movie, you won't help save the Sahara anymore, but you can still most likely still see it, but I did help because I saw it opening day and $1 of each Emily's, my moms, and my ticket went to helping the Sahara. $1 may not seem like a lot but $1 adds up and $1 can help in many ways. African Cat's talks about two cat families: a lion family and a cheetah family. Though on thee lion side, it's about a specific mother and daughter in their pack and on the cheetah side it is about a mother and her 5 cubs trying to make it in the wild.                   
Narrated by Samuel L. Jackson and some animal scenes may be intense for little children.
Mollie Rose :D

Monday, May 2, 2011

If there is a dress code for teacher's then they need to dress professionally. Teachers follow a dress code to follow a professional look to the students eyes. We are students and we are supposed to help the teacher look and keep a professional image.

Should There be a Dress Code for Teachers

I believe there should be a dress code for teachers. If they say students shouldn't wear something they shouldn't either. Teachers need to be role models for students. They aren't very good role models when they tell a student not to wear something, but they do. They might think since they aren't students they don't have to follow the dress code, but they should. Not wearing professional clothing make them look unprofessional. Students might not respect teachers who don't look professional.

Should Teachers Be Given A Dress Code?????????????O_o

So for English, we have been told to post about Mr. Vega's post on whether or not teachers should be given a dress code. In my opinion, they SHOULD be given a dress code due to the fact of us students are given a dress code; teachers should respect that and not parade around in their high heels, short skirts, open-toed shoes, etc. They are always giving us lectures about "us, students, not respecting teachers enough" yet they are just being hypocritical by walking around in what we can't wear and not respecting their decision to take away our freedom of expression through our 'looks.' Though the teachers should be dressing professionally anyways. "Miss. I'll give you a referral and yet I never do" always dresses as though she is going to a baby shower in her weird looking skirts and high-heels. R-E-S-P-E-C-T TEACHERS! :D

Ding Dong Osama is Dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Osama Bin Laden has been killed! Finally!!! Though, on the downside, there is most likely going to be a mad rampage of some sort to the U.S.A. for killing Osama. Even though Osama is dead, there are followers. He has trained people and there are some people who do agree with his opinion on us (thee U.S.A.).