A Note from English Answerman:

Congratulations on cracking the hundred mark. Keep it up!
--English Answerman

Friday, January 28, 2011

Humans and Animals. Evolved?

You know, I think it's funny. People say that humans are much more evolved than animals. I agree with that for the most part but at the same time we are not much more evolved than them. If you walk around a campus (junior high or high school...elementary is too wanna-be) you'll see that we are still in packs! We have our classic groups/packs. Kids are 'hanging out' with a group of people and that can be considered packs like packs of wolfs or other. Even though we have our classic 'loner,' those loners find a way to hang out with other loners. Same with the emo's who hang out with other emo's and supposedly emo's are the ones who hate life and don't wanna feel, etc. Another example is how kids (mostly girls) find a way to gossip about another person and that is considered 'attacking a person.' If you watch the freaking animal planet, you'll see how animals are always mauling one another. Also how they get in fights after one person says something so tiny that no one besides them care and they'll end up mauling the person who said that. So people and animals really aren't much different character wise. I think I made my point.
P.S. don't comment on this and say something that'll make you look like a fool. Ex: Humans don't have fur!' I am talking about character.
Monica Rose:))


  1. We are truly not far removed from a junior high jungle. Astute observations.

  2. I'd have to agree Monica. There are many qualities shared between humans and other species (I'm not exactly sure what the plural form of that word is), and in many cases, humans could be considered lower than oter animals. There is no genocide in the Animal Kingdom.
